We can help you start a new career as a developer

Industry Connect’s unique business model has worked so well, we’ve revolutionised the IT sector in New Zealand, helping thousands of people find jobs.

We’ve been so successful, we’re now going global, and we’re heading to Canadian shores!

From small beginnings in Auckland, New Zealand, we then spread to Australia, helping our cousins across the Tasmin. After conquering the land down under, we’re expanding again, this time to the UK & Ireland, Canada, Hong Kong, and Singapore!

If you are in Canada want to start a career in software development, then we’re the guys to talk to!

Why you should talk to us

Regardless of which country they’re in, many people are finding that even with a university degree, they are struggling to find a job in the IT industry.

This is especially true for immigrants and recent graduates, both of which Canada has in abundance.

Immigrants may not have the social skills, command of the language, or the same work practices as Canadian-born people applying for the same job.

Graduates can spend four years at college only to come out and realise that without experience, they can’t get an interview, let alone a job.

How we help

Industry Connect solves all these problems by providing real workplace experience, soft skills, and the references you need to at least get your foot in the door.

Some of the leading software companies don’t even bother advertising jobs, but instead come directly to us for new talent because they know anyone who graduates with us knows what they’re doing and is ready for the position.

Our proven process makes you “job ready”, placing you ahead of others in the job market for future opportunities.

That’s all we do; work with our participants to bring them up to task for job interviews and job placements. It’s as simple as that!

How we work

Through the Industry Connect six-week training program we help you with the small things that you may not realise employers are looking for.

And it’s not just another generic training program either – we have a specialised our training for your particular job market.

After the 6 week programme, we set you up with one of our partners on a three-month, mentored internship to gain commercial, industry experience, giving you the vital understanding and connections, you will need to find a job.

Together we can make you “job ready”, so that when a job opportunity presents itself, you can take full advantage of it.

And we don’t just kick you out the door when your time is up! We support you all the way through until you get a job placement.

Let us help you find a job in the IT Industry

We are committed to helping you achieve your career vision and finding a job in the IT industry, and our success speaks for itself.

We’ve helped literally thousands of people launch their careers in software development, some with experience, others starting from scratch.

You get out what you put in, and if you really want a job in the IT industry, work hard, and are determined, then we will make it happen for you.

How to apply

So if you’re in Canada and you want a new challenge, then contact us today and let’s get the ball rolling on your new software career!

Or you can call us on: +1 604 265 5755

If you’re still not sure, check us out on Facebook, Twitter, or the many, many videos of our successful past participants on YouTube.


What is Industry Connect?

Industry Connect is an IT/Software Career Launchpad that has everything you need to kick-start your IT/software career in AU, NZ, UK, IE, SG, HK, IN, ID, VN & PH.

Industry Connect's Ecosystem

We have been helping career changers, recent IT graduates and people with career gap to start their IT/software careers.

Over the years, we have helped hundreds kick-start an IT/software career. (Verifiable evidences are available on this website)


We are an innovative software training school backed by global/local software companies. Our ecosystem is an incubation process that supports our participants until they launch a tech career.


Our Job-Ready training programmes focus on,
  • Software Development
  • Business Intelligence (or Data Analyst)
  • Test Analyst

  • Six Weeks Training Classes (Practical Tech Skills)
  • Three Months (or more) Structured Internship on Large Commercial-Scale Projects (Learning enhanced, flexible Hours)
  • Employer Network (job analysis and internal referral if goals are met)

You can join us via Zoom (live face-to-face meeting) remotely from anywhere and "download" the valuable knowledge & experiences from our tech experts across different tech centres.

Watch 300+ Stories of Career Starters in IT/Software

Click the image to watch those who changed their careers to IT, had gap years and recent IT graduates.

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