“MVP gives all the tools, teaches all the skills, we work on the amazing, challenging projects…”

Things are going well over in Oz, with yet another of our Industry Connect graduates finding a job.

This time it’s Lara who has just secured a position as a data analyst.

We caught up with her to ask about her time with us.

Congratulations Lara on your new job as a data analyst! Tell us, do you think Industry Connect helped you become who you are today?

Definitely. Training with MVP was just paramount. Without the training I have no doubts I wouldn’t get anywhere close and I would probably even have trouble getting in the industry all together. So definitely, training is the key!

What did you think of the remote internships?

Remote internship definitely helped, especially in time like this and when we are all disconnected and don’t have this limited connection with people it definitely helps.

And plus it doesn’t really feel that it’s remote! With the technology and how you guys have structured it, the programs are very interesting and they’re very engaging.

It actually works even better than being face to face because you sit in a comfortable environment you can choose anywhere.

You can go to coffee shop or at home and you are there and you know what’s happening, you participate with other people, you can answer questions… it’s really, really good.

What do you suggest to people trying to get into the IT industry?

It depends on the person, and we’re all different, but there are few key areas that I think applies to everyone.

First of all you need to personally to understand why they’re going in that industry what motivates them. What is it? Are they really passionate about it? Is it money? Is it a sort of prestige because it’s a new thing?

So and end of the day it’s need to be the one that comes from your heart because everything else  won’t sustain you long enough. You really need to love what you’re doing and that’s the thing.

And everyone have to understand it and they will know pretty soon if the it’s their thing or not their thing. But then again if they have this doubt – if it’s their thing or not their thing – they shouldn’t quit. They shouldn’t quit just like that.

Stay and see how that goes and assess yourself; Why do I have these doubts? And work on it, but don’t quit just because of some doubts or rumours in your head. You know don’t quit.

And the other thing is that confidence. I noticed that, including myself, we need to build our self-belief and confidence and when we do things, we all understand that we have all different levels of processing things and understanding things and the blind things, so don’t try to be like a cookie cutter.

Don’t measure yourself to everyone else, just concentrate on your strengths and develop them and have more confidence because MVP gives all the tools, teaches all the skills, we work on the amazing, challenging projects – they’re not your average project – it’s really industry based and complicated projects.

Remind yourself of what are you getting, what are you working on, what you are experiencing and the skills you’re getting and the skills you’re building. It’s pretty amazing and quite strong.

What we get in this internship is serious work, it’s not it’s not just some very simple projects to make you feel good about yourself, no it’s quite complicated and they really push you. This project really pushes you.

What did you enjoy the most during your internship?

Meetings with my teammates. That’s a really, really enjoyable part.

When you start working in a core team or not even a core team, just when you get involved, you build this relationship and you feel like you have this team and you have this close relationship and they become like your sort of family.

You know whatever happens during the day or in the background of your personal life, there is one thing for sure, that they’re going to be meeting and you’re going to see these faces they’re happy to see you!

They just let you be yourself and encourage you and take you as you are and you know just be very caring people that want to see you succeed and that’s very comforting feeling,

Yeah, the meetings were my favorite part.

Would you recommend Industry Connect?

I don’t like to rush and recommend things because sometimes with the wrong recommendation you can do more harm than good, but that’s one thing that I would definitely recommend.

For people that looking for that program, for that environment that will take their dreams and aspirations and make them reality, then that’s definitely a MVP stance for that.

It’s very real. It’s real worker environment, it’s a real program which is backed by the people that do have great knowledge in the industry and who want to see you succeed, to take part in your journey.

Well thank you Lara, and congratulations again on your new position as a data analyst!

What is Industry Connect?

Industry Connect is an IT/Software Career Launchpad that has everything you need to kick-start your IT/software career in AU, NZ, UK, IE, SG, HK, IN, ID, VN & PH.

Industry Connect's Ecosystem

We have been helping career changers, recent IT graduates and people with career gap to start their IT/software careers.

Over the years, we have helped hundreds kick-start an IT/software career. (Verifiable evidences are available on this website)


We are an innovative software training school backed by global/local software companies. Our ecosystem is an incubation process that supports our participants until they launch a tech career.


Our Job-Ready training programmes focus on,
  • Software Development
  • Business Intelligence (or Data Analyst)
  • Test Analyst

  • Six Weeks Training Classes (Practical Tech Skills)
  • Three Months (or more) Structured Internship on Large Commercial-Scale Projects (Learning enhanced, flexible Hours)
  • Employer Network (job analysis and internal referral if goals are met)

You can join us via Zoom (live face-to-face meeting) remotely from anywhere and "download" the valuable knowledge & experiences from our tech experts across different tech centres.

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