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What is a Back-End Developer?

December 17th, 2018|News|

Industry Connect have helped hundreds of graduates from all over the world find jobs here in New Zealand. Most of these amazing people are what’s known as a back-end developer. But what is that exactly, and how do you become one? Read on to find out! What is a back-end developer? A back-end developer is [...]

Learn new skills from home with our remote job-ready programmes

December 15th, 2018|News|

Did you know Industry Connect offer remote programming courses, so you can do them from anywhere in the world? This means if you can physically come to the building, you can still gain all the experience you need to find a job from home! Industry Connect's Job-ready programmes The ‘Job-Ready’ Programme is a practical course [...]

Gemmy Phan has secured a Software Specialist job

December 12th, 2018|Graduate Jobs, Internship, News|

We caught up with Gemmy, who just secured a software specialist job after completing our internship at Industry Connect. So firstly Gemmy, massive congratulations on the new role. Tell us before coming to Industry Connect, I know you applied to a bunch of places after moving to New Zealand. Do you want to explain to [...]

Australian Information Nights coming up in December!

November 27th, 2018|News|

If you're looking for a job in the IT industry in Australia, then come along to one of our upcoming information nights in Sydney or Melbourne this December, where we will show you how we can help you launch the career of your dreams in the IT world. We have helped hundreds of people, mainly immigrants, [...]

Neha now has a Test Analyst job after joining Industry Connect

November 25th, 2018|News|

We’re here today with Neha who has just secured a test analyst job after joining Industry Connect. Firstly Neha, congratulations on your new test analyst job. Can you tell me a little bit about your background? What were you doing before you joined us here at Industry Connect? Well, I have my postgraduate degree in [...]

Ten traits every test analyst should have

November 23rd, 2018|News|

Landing a job as a test analyst means a lot of things. It’s a mix of many different skills, attitudes and natural abilities. It’s not for everyone, and not everyone’s going to be great at it, but if you’ve got these following ten qualities, then you might have what it takes to become a successful [...]

Ann is now a full-time Data Scientist down in Wellington!

November 21st, 2018|News|

Today we're going to be having a chat with Ann who has just secured herself a job as a full-time data scientist in Wellington. Congratulations Ann, we're so happy and proud of you! You've done so much in such a short timeframe – it hasn't taken a long time to land a job. Just share [...]

Start your career as a software developer with our help

November 18th, 2018|News|

A career as a software developer is a good choice these days. IT jobs have now taken over, and not only are there plenty of opportunities available, but they’re also very well paid. If a career as a software developer is something that interests you, then Industry Connect can help. We have created special software [...]

Sheetal secured a full-time software developer job with us

November 12th, 2018|News|

Sheetal joined us here at Industry Connect and now she’s starting a full-time software developer job. We caught up with her before she left on her new career path to ask her about her time with us. First of all, congratulations Sheetal we're so proud of you! Thank you so much. Tell us a little [...]

Looking for a programming internship in Christchurch?

November 8th, 2018|News|

Industry Connect have a unique programming internship in Christchurch, specifically designed to help you jump start your career! With us, you will learn the latest, state of the art techniques and skills that are used every day in the software development industry. Our programming internship in Christchurch has been created by experienced programmers and software [...]