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✖Coronavirus✖ It cannot stop our technologies at Industry Connect. Here is why…

March 16th, 2020|News|

Covid-19 Update: [Our operation is running as usual] Our operation continues to run as usual as we've been utilising our in-house developed software platform and Zoom to run our training classes as well as the structured internship remotely since 2018. Why It Cannot Stop Our Technologies? Just like software companies use project management tools, [...]

Want a change of careers? Then maybe the IT industry is for you?

January 23rd, 2020|News|

If you're stuck in a job you hate, or maybe you're not making enough money to make ends meet, then there's always time for a change of career. A new life in the IT industry might be just what the doctor ordered for you, and Industry Connect can help you get there. If you’re interested [...]

Rossi Le now has a frontend developer job after joining us

December 26th, 2019|News, Real Stories|

I’m very good at coding, but I’m a very shy person. Here I learned confidence. If you’re out there looking for a frontend developer job, you might be having a hard time getting interviews. And if you’re lucky enough to land an interview, then you might not be getting job offers. There are many reasons [...]

Smart Nation Singapore – What Are Your Opportunities

December 14th, 2019|News|

A Smart Nation simply means the nation is data-driven, more adoptions of innovative ideas and solutions and government utilises technology to better serve the society. Digital revolution and advancements in digital technologies are transforming the way we live. Smart Nation is a leading economy powered by digital innovation. The economy is the biggest driver for [...]

Clovis is now an integration developer thanks to joining us

December 5th, 2019|News, Real Stories|

If you want to succeed, this is the place. Once again Industry Connect have taken someone who couldn’t find a job, brought them in under our wing, and helped them secure employment. This time it’s Clovis who is starting a new career in the software industry as an integration developer. Before he started his new [...]

I took a career break to have kids – Industry Connect helped me get back into the market

September 19th, 2019|News|

To get back to market I needed to upskill myself with the latest technologies which were in demand. That’s where Industry Connect helped me.  Dalia - Automation Test Analyst at ActionStep   A career break is a common experience for many people. Sometimes we burn ourselves out and need a change of scene. Other times [...]

Why soft skills are important when finding a job

September 12th, 2019|News|

So you’ve aced University, got a 1st in Computer Science, finished top of your class, know more than anyone about programming… and it all counts for nothing because when you even think of going to a job interview you have a panic attack. The good news is, soft skills, just like technical skills, can be [...]

Resume Hacking | Show off your Core Skills

September 2nd, 2019|News|

The truth is, your resume is going to be centered around your core skills, and these skills define who you are. The great thing is we will teach you how to hack this whole system, then find what skills companies are looking for. So, you can design your resumé strategy a way that helps you [...]

No matter how experienced you are, you still need to pass an interview

August 29th, 2019|News|

No one likes going for a job interview. Even people who are good at them still get nervous. Heart thumping, palms sweaty, feeling awkward… it’s the same for everyone. Now imagine if English isn’t your first language! Imagine if you’re already awkward in ANY social setting! If you get nervous just talking to strangers then [...]

Career Building | The Ways That Resume Can Bridge Your Future.

August 20th, 2019|Graduate Jobs, Internship, News|

I know resumes are not your favourite thing to write, way to spend your time, but you know what, they're really important. They're important for two reasons.  The first reason is simple, this document represents yourself to your potential employers. It is really important when your resume gets to the right person. Even if you [...]